October 31st, 2012
As you all now, the East-coast of America was hit by a pretty serious storm this week or, how CNN liked to descibe – ‘A Super Megastorm!’. Hurricane Sandy casued havoc in many cities, including New York, where we saw images of cranes falling over, cars being swept down streets and your innevitable elderly person […]
October 25th, 2012
A typically British sporting event took place over the weekend, the Lawn Mower Grand Prix. Minus the elegant backdrop of Monaco or the scantily clad ladies, this particular racing extravaganza takes place in a pub garden, accompanied by the inevitable bad day of weather. All the same, it looks likes great fun and the contestants […]
October 17th, 2012
The world was gripped to their screens this week to see the daredevil skydiver, Felix Baumgartner, fall an incredible 24 miles from the edge of space, back down to terra firma. The feat captured the imagination of the the masses, as the stunt received widespread coverage in the mainstream news here in the UK. If […]